There are three primary aspects of generative AI applications that intersect with copyright protection: (1) machine learning with protected works (the input side); (2) the protectability of works

Continue Reading EU AI Act’s Opt-Out Trend May Limit Data Use for Training AI Models

Bill 25 Requires Immediate Action and a Compliance Plan for This Year

In September 2021, Quebec’s Parliament enacted Law 25 (formerly Bill 64) (the “Law”), which updated Quebec’s data protection

Continue Reading Quebec Has New Privacy Requirements Already in Place, With More on the Way in 2023

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) covers unsolicited calls and texts, aimed at protecting consumers from harassing and unwanted communications. With the April 2021 Facebook SCOTUS case[1] (see 

Continue Reading Don’t Have a Do-Not-Call Policy? Every SMS You Send Could Violate the TCPA and Come With A Private Right of Action

Chinh H. Pham and Brian J. Assessor co-authored an article titled “5 Trends to Watch in 2021: Emerging Technologies.” Trends include digital health, agribusiness, batteries, data and privacy, and artificial
Continue Reading 5 Trends to Watch in 2021: Emerging Technologies

From floating infrastructure to biohacking, floating solar farms to AgTech, projects that are first of their kind bring with them exciting opportunities, but also unique legal complexities. In this recent
Continue Reading Maneuvering ‘Unicorns’ – Opportunities and Risks of Unprecedented Projects

Continue Reading Selecting, Clearing, and Protecting Your IP–a Top Priority for Startups, StartupSac

This GT Advisory considers the application of state unclaimed property laws to cryptocurrencies, and the potential implications and challenges of such application for both industry participants and state unclaimed property
Continue Reading Cryptocurrencies and Unclaimed Property: Potential Implications of State Escheat Laws for the Blockchain Technology Industry