Given ChatGPT’s now-infamous capacity to generate its own legal opinions, complete with official-looking, but entirely confabulated, citations and quotations, it is not surprising that courts remain skeptical of its use

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On 13 March 2024, the European Parliament adopted the AI Act. Since the EU Commission presented its first draft almost three years ago, the use of AI and general purpose

Continue Reading EU Artificial Intelligence Act – EU Parliament Adopts Groundbreaking Regulatory Framework

From floating infrastructure to biohacking, floating solar farms to AgTech, projects that are first of their kind bring with them exciting opportunities, but also unique legal complexities. In this recent
Continue Reading Maneuvering ‘Unicorns’ – Opportunities and Risks of Unprecedented Projects

The enforceability of restrictive covenants, particularly non-compete agreements, can be very difficult for employers to navigate, especially for companies in their “start-up” phase. Technology companies in particular face challenges in
Continue Reading A Non-Compete Law Roadmap for Tech Start-Ups in Key Jurisdictions