Structured exits are investment structures designed to achieve a desired investment return without reliance upon a traditional exit. Structured exit investments are ideal not only for impact investments, but also
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David Gitlin
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10 Tips for Entrepreneurs Seeking Capital
By David Gitlin on
Posted in Venture Capital
- Get comfortable with your potential investor. The identity of the investor is the most important item of a term sheet, and can make or break a relationship.
- Be prepared to share control and information, and to listen. People who think they know it all – don’t.
- Realize that valuation is only a component of an economic deal. Unrealistic expectations are often an excuse for investors to move on. Preferences can have a more material economic impact than valuation.
- Non-economic issues can be more important in the long run, such as veto rights, ability to influence exit, control over new investors, etc.
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